Explorations in Black Leadership

Co-Directed by Phyllis Leffler & Julian Bond

Final Exam

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Take this final exam to see what you know about Black leaders. It should be a breeze if you've completed the other modules.

  1. What is an oral history?
    1. A grandmother telling a story
    2. A systematically recorded interview to gain information about the past
    3. Dental records
  2. What is a good leader?
    1. Someone who others follow
    2. Someone who gives speeches, but doesn't listen to anyone else
    3. Someone who tells others what to do
  3. Black leaders are?
    1. only from the Civil Rights Era
    2. involved in many fields from writing to business
    3. there are no Black Leaders
  4. Leaders can be?
    1. individuals with special traits that are either innate or developed
    2. created by movements at a critical time
    3. people who see the need for change and do something about it
    4. all of the above
  5. A role model is?
    1. a person who demonstrates a particular behavior, skill, or social role for another person to emulate
    2. a person who walks the cat walk in Milan
    3. a person you draw in art class
  6. A role model might be?
    1. a special teacher or administrator
    2. a family member
    3. a neighbor or community leader
    4. all of the above
  7. Effective communication is?
    1. when you tell someone what to do
    2. when your message is accurately received
    3. talking on the phone
  8. An effective communicator may code-switch by?
    1. using slang when talking with friends and peers
    2. using Standard English when speaking with teachers and adults
    3. both a and b
  9. The Civil Rights Era was?
    1. from around 1954 to 1968
    2. the use of non-violent strategies to gain civil rights
    3. when schools and public facilities became integrated
    4. all of the above
  10. Civil disobedience is?
    1. band from the 1980's
    2. talking back to a teacher
    3. using non-violent means to protest a law that is unjust
  11. Civil Rights are?
    1. rights guaranteed by the Constitution, Amendments, and laws
    2. being kind to others
    3. rights to do what ever we want to do when we want to do it
  12. Social activism is?
    1. when individuals act as the conscience and voice of many people within a society
    2. drawing attention to a particular issue within a society in an attempt to make the problem better
    3. both a and b
    4. we don't need social activism as nothing ever improves anyway